Trailer of science fiction film ‘Blood Shot’ released

There are a lot more publishers of comic books than just the big dogs of Marvel and DC. Let’s not forget about Valiant Comics (or Valiant Entertainment), originator of and home to exciting superhero characters such as Manowar, Ninjak, the Eternal Warrior, and Bloodshot. While Marvel and DC have done a very good job of transferring their properties to the big screen, Hollywood has been slow to grant a Valiant character their own feature film.
Clearly, movie fans need some alternatives to the other stuff that dominates movie theaters in the early months of the year, and 2020 will continue this trend. Bloodshot was initially scheduled to be released over the weekend of February 21, 2020. Sony confirmed the date with the film’s first trailer, which hit the internet in October 2019. In December, however, the studio announced that Bloodshot had been pushed back just a few weeks, to March 13th.