Message Of The OIC Secretary General On The Occasion Of International Youth Day

Every year, the International Community celebrates 12 August as the International Youth Day, with “Transforming Education” as the theme of this year 2019. The Message of the OIC Secretary General on the Occasion Of International Youth Day was,
“On this occasion, I would like to extend my heartfelt congratulations and good wishes to the youth around the World and to the youth in the OIC member statesin particular. On this occasion, I would like to call on all Member States’ Governments, International organizations, Civil Societies, Youth led-organizations and all young people, to invest in transforming our educational systems to make it more relevant, equitable and inclusive for all youth.
We need to intensify our work towardsachieving the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development in general and in particular,the objectives set up in the OIC 2025 Programme of Action and the relevant OIC resolutions in this regard.
Allow me to seize this occasion to express the full support of the OIC and pay tribute to the youth suffering underoccupation in Palestine by the Israeli forces as well as all young people forcibly displaced by the many crises and conflicts in the Islamic world.
In conclusion, I would like to reiterate my call to all the Member States of the OIC to do their utmost in implementing the OIC Youth Strategy and its Plan of Action in coordination with the Youth Unit established in the General Secretariat and all the international organizations and relevant OIC Institutions active in the field of Youth empowerment.
The General Secretariat stands ready towards the fulfillment of this endeavor for the sake of the cause of the Youth in the Muslim World.”