Earning Year

earningyear! is a Socio-Economic welfare program Where you can join with 100 Rs./($1)- only. It gives you an amazing earning opportunity that never ends..!
How To Work
Easy to Use!
Promote Your Business
provide you an amazing platform to build long constant cash flow through it’s unique Referral Program and from promote your business through showing ads (website, video or YouTube) etc.
- You have 2 ways to earn money.
1.)Free ad method.
2.)Paid or refferal earning program.
- Now see for explanation.
1.)Free ad method.
No upgrade required
No refferal required
Per free ad 5 paisa
After login Goto claim now page. Click normal.
see any of free ad
Get 0.1 rupees. (10 paisa) into your account.
Check dashboard for verification. If required.
2.)Paid or refferal earning program.
User can upgrade account by giving fees Rs 100 ($1) rupees.
User can make refferals.
In every refferal upgrade, user will get 50 rupees $.5.
in 2nd level user In every refferal upgrade, user will get 10 rupees $0.2.
Indirect refferal ( Refferal’s Refferal ) , user will get 5 rupees ($0.01) each.
Place ads and activate your account instantly by depositing 100 Rs.($1)/- once in lifetime.
You’ll start getting 50 free ads @ 10 paisa per ad view.
You’ll get Paid Ads 10 (5 Rs.($0.1)/- per ad view) through a referral upgrade in your down line. .
You can view your Ads daily or whenever you are free, there is no compulsion.
As you view your Ads (Claim Balance), your credit will be transferred into account Balance.
If you don’t have time to view the paid ads, you can click on “Instant Claim Balance”.
If you select instant Claim” option for Paid ads you will be charged 8% of claim balance.
You can make multiple accounts on 1 IP address.
- Note: If you are still unable to understand about earningyear, Please click For Visit earningyear YouTube Videos
dollar rate fix Rs 100.
Website Link: EarningYear.com