Rain and hail storm in Greece, six killed

An unusual weather struck Greece with rain and hail storms. Winds of over 100 kph (60 mph) were reported on the Halkidiki peninsula.
The hail storms were so strong that it collapsed many roofs and uprooted trees. At least seven people, including six tourists, were killed and more than 100 others injured when a violent, short-lived storm lashed northern Greece overnight, felling trees and ripping off rooftops.
The deceased included two elderly Czech tourists, a woman and an eight-year-old boy from Romania and two Russians ( a man and a young boy). A seventh, unidentified victim’s body was found in the sea.
The witnesses reported the storm to be so violent and abrupt. This kind of weather is very unusual for Athens and Greece. More rain was forecasted on same day. While 140 firefighters were operating in the area to clear all the damages.