No-confidence resolution in Senate fails

The elections for no-confidence resolution were tabled in the senate on Thursday. This is for the first time in the history of Pakistan, that a no-confidence resolution was submitted against the Senate Chairman and Deputy Chairman. The resolution demanded resignation of both the Chairman Sadiq Sanjrani and Deputy Chairman Saleem Mandviwalla from their positions.
Opposition parties had nominated Hasil Bizenjo as their candidate for the post of Senate chairperson.
The opposition parties were hopeful that they are having a majority and will win the resolution to remove the two mentioned officials. At the start of the session, 60 senators stood up in support of the motion to table the no-confidence resolution.
However things turned up oppositely when the results of the voting were announced. Fifty votes were received in favor of the resolution, while votes were rejected.
A similar resolution tabled against Saleem Mandviwalla by the government also failed as it received 32 votes. Both the chairman and deputy chairman survived the resolution.
After the success, Sadiq Sanjrani thanked the voters for expressing their confidence in him as the chairman.
However the opposition parties remained in vow as to what had happened.
Speaking to press, Shehbaz Sharif said “this is an example of horse training and democracy has undermined today. It is not just Opposition’s loss. We will get down to the bottom of the matter and those who sold their conscience will be exposed.”