How to earn money online

This is a growing trend across the world that more and more people now are available online and want to convert their surfing time into REAL income. This is being seen as an increasing trend for people and mostly youngsters in Pakistan. So we have written this article for all those who are looking for some guidance on HOW TO MAKE MONEY ONLINE.
Some of the major ways to earn money online (in general) are given below:
1- Earning through websites
By watching ads, playing games, writing reviews, completing surveys etc. can help to earn. There are hundreds of websites available. Some of them are real, some are fake as well. More details available in a separate article.
2- Earning through Freelancing
Freelancing is real and you can easily earn from one dollar to thousands of dollars. It is a halal earning as you get paid for your services. These services are based upon your skills such as graphic designing, seeing company accounts, designing a website and so on. The best part is that here you can work at the comfort of your home and manage time what ever suits you. The employer or company will give you some assignment or work or project based on time e.g. 3 days or 1 week or 1 month etc. More details available in a separate article.
3- Captcha and Typing work
You can also earn through completing captcha and online typing work at different sites. User is paid for typing lets say 1000 of captcha @1$. Those who are good at typing can easily do this in a couple of hours. However captcha and typing is considered as a low skill and therefore has one of the lowest paid rate.
4- Blogging
Blogging is simpler and easier for those who like to read and write. It is an easier technique. You simply need to create an online blog for your area of interest. For example if you are a photography lover, then you can create a blog related to photography.
Once the blog is created and online, you need to add posts to it. Your blog cannot earn in one day so you need to keep posting articles and posts to it. With the help of marketing and sharing its links, you can easily get visitors to read it. When you have a lot of visitors, you can place ads and earn through them. is one the most popular free blogging website for newbies.
6- Youtube Channel
First of all you need to create a youtube channel on youtube website. This is a free service available to all users.
Once created, you need to upload different videos on daily basis and attract visitors. The more your channel subscribers, the more your videos will be watched and more the watch time. Reaching a certain threshold for visitors, and watch time of videos, you can turn those video into Monetization feature.
This will generate you money against people watching the videos. One needs to remember that this is a time demanding task and you need to keep the channel active so that there are more and more subscribers and visitors, ultimately making your channel popular and hence making you earn against it.
7- Affiliate Marketing
Affiliate marketing is the process of earning a commission. This is done by the promotion of other company or people’s products. Once you find and select a product or a group of products, you have to market it. Each item sold earns you an agreed amount of money.
You get paid as a commission on total no. of items sold through your efforts. Affiliate marketing is easier for those who have strong links and presence over the internet or those who know how to sale products. People who have sales or marketing aptitude can easily go deep into this field and do a lot of earning. In the case of blogging, once the blogger becomes an affiliate of a certain company (say ABC) via an affiliate network or directly from the ecommerce business. He/she will place a link, button or banner in the blog posts.
This link will redirect the visitor to ABC’s site to see details about the offered product. As the products are sold, the blogger is paid in return to the number of items sold. The blogger definitely should have good links in social networks and can attract sales using multiple marketing techniques.
8- Placing Ads/ Website Monetization
Another way of earning is to place ads on your site. One way is to get ads from different people and companies and place them on your website.
Another way is to allow certain companies to place ads into your website. And you get paid against the number of ad viewed as well as traffic generated to the ad company. Most popular in this case are the Google Ad Sense and InfoLinks.
9- Url Shortener
A URL shortener is an online application that converts a regular URL (the web address that starts with http://) into its condensed format. URL shortening a very simple way to earn online. URL shortening sites pays you for the no. of clicks against a certain link.
When someone clicks on the link you’ve shortened and placed on your webpage, what happens is that the visitor clicks the shortened link. The shortened links takes the visitor to another site where an ad is displayed for around 4-5 seconds and then it redirects the visitor to the actual site. The site pays you against the no. of ads watched by visitors. Some of the famous sites are MiniURL, shortzon, Bitly, clicksfly and LinkTL etc.
These are some of the generic ways to earn money online. If you need specific guidance on which websites or apps or companies one can exactly earn from, please read our article REAL LINKS TO EARN MONEY ONLINE.