Rising Stars International

”Rising Stars” is a direct marketing company which was launched in 2014. Rising Stars has the latest plan of the 21st century.
Now you can be your own boss
This is related to online ads posting and then getting customers to buy the products shown in the posted ads.
Firstly, the user has to join the company. For this the company charges a sum of Rs. 1,000/- from the user. Once paid, user gets login details to the company website. The company actually owns an online shopping site Meenu and users have to sell their products and will get profit on return. This is a type of affiliate marketing.
User will then be asked to buy a package. Packages range from 1400 to 8000. And are non-refundable.
After this the user will receive an ad on daily basis and has to post in different social networks. User receives the income as a percentage of the products sold by his/her efforts.
Company Website
Visit the company website at www.risingstarsint.biz.
Facebook group
Visit the facebook group at www.facebook.com/risingstarsinternational/ .