Oriflame Pakistan

Oriflame Pakistan

Be part of a global community

For over 50 years, Oriflame has been empowering people to make a change in their lives by personally recommend and sell high quality beauty products inspired by nature and powered by Swedish science.
Oriflame is Europe’s largest beauty company selling direct with a global community of over 3 million independent sales consultants around the world.

Oriflame Cosmetics:

click here

Oriflame Facebook page:

click here

Oriflame Business Opportunity

You can join Oriflame by becoming their Sales Consultant in Pakistan. All you need to do is to register with their site, and then start selling products in your area. You will get commission and other rewards against this sales.

Become a Beauty Consultant

Are you passionate about beauty and want to make money by selling high quality products to friends and family? With Oriflame, you can do exactly that.


Look and feel great with our high quality beauty products ranging from cosmetics to nutritional supplements. You will see catalogues full of exciting products, latest fashion trends, scientific skin care innovations and fantastic offers.

As a consultant, you can start to make money immediately. You set your own targets, income and working hours. You choose whether the goal is to make it a successful full time career or sell products in your spare time to earn extra income.


With us you’re your own boss. We also offer you the opportunity to have fun, meet wonderful new people, travel and attend exciting events.

To register as a Sales Consultant, click here.

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