17th May World Telecommunication & Information Society Day

World Information Society Day was proclaimed to be on 17 May by a United Nations General Assembly resolution, following the 2005 World Summit on the Information Society in Tunis~Wikipedia
Telecommunication is the transmission of signs, signals, messages, words, audio by radio, optical & other electromagnetic signals.
Telecommunication is playing an important role in our lives, by providing an exchange of communication or information at distance between people, satellites and computers.
The technologies used for telecommunication have changed greatly over the last 50 years.
Telecommunication is the important thing for our lives.
Through telecommunication, there is a revolution in the history of world. How everyone is connecting & engaging is astonishing.
In every aspect of life, we can find the role of telecommunication, in business, education, economics, daily life and everywhere.
Furthermore, the role of telecommunication & information can not be neglected in any mean. Before the internet & data networks, telecommunication was the only means which enables us to communicate over miles.